Stars & Stripes (19): O fim de uma grande invenção americana?
*1. *Em mais uma das suas "executive orders" ilegais, por contrárias a leis
do Congresso, o Presidente Trump determinou a sujeição ao seu controlo das
Há 7 horas
Natal Feliz e Venturoso Ano Novo
ResponderEliminarExmo. Senhor Doutor,
Rogo aceite meus bons votos de que a Felicidade o sequestre e a Quem ama, e os torne seus acarinhados Reféns para sempre.
Afectuosos cumprimentos do
Carlos Fonseca
(Cantor de ópera)
Boas Festas e Feliz Ano Novo
ResponderEliminarDe Zé Manel e Cilita
Agradecemos e retribuímos.
ResponderEliminarBoas Festas e Feliz Ano Novo.
Lina e Eduardo
Desejamos Bom Natal e Feliz Ano 2010
ResponderEliminarLili e Artur A. Silva
Caríssimo Companheiro
ResponderEliminarObrigado pela mensagem de Boas Festas
Os nossos votos dos melhores sucessos e de muitas Felicidades no Ano de 2010.
Serafim Amaro Afonso
Caro PGD Henrique Pinto
ResponderEliminarEndereço um fraterno e amistoso abraço que comporta um desejo de 2010 mais justo e fraterno, mais solidário e mais humano.
Joaquim Figueiredo
RC Gondomar
Caro Companheiro,
ResponderEliminarAgradeço e retribuo os votos formulados, desejando-lhe a si e à sua família um BOM ANO DE 2010.
Com um abraço amigo de
Albertino Reis e Sousa
January 2010
ResponderEliminarFoundation makes Rotary's work possible
January is Rotary Awareness Month – a time to learn more about our organization, and a time to focus on our public image. Raising awareness of Rotary is an important part of the RI Strategic Plan: The more Rotary is known for its good work, the more good work Rotary will be able to do.
As Past RI President Robert Barth of Switzerland said, "We believe that the Rotary pin on our lapel sends a message. It says, `You can rely on me. I am dependable, I am reliable, I give more than I take. I am available.'"
Because of The Rotary Foundation, people around the world know that they can depend on Rotary in their time of need. It is the Foundation that allows Rotarians to say yes to calls for help, when otherwise we might be forced to say, "There is nothing we can do."
As Rotarians, you are here because you believe in Service Above Self. And as Rotarians, you know that through Rotary, you can have an impact beyond what you could ever hope to have as individuals. One person, no matter how great the talents and resources, is limited. Working alone, there is only so much that can be done. But when we work together, when we pool our resources with those of 1.2 million other Rotarians around the world – and with the resources of our Rotary Foundation – we can make a difference that will be remembered for generations. It is up to all of us.
Glenn E. Estess Sr.
Foundation Trustee Chair
My fellow Rotarians:
ResponderEliminarJanuary is the month the Romans associated with their two-headed god Janus: one head looking backward to the year that has just passed, and the other looking forward to the year ahead.
In Rotary, January is the halfway point of our year of service, and it is also a time for us all to look at both the past and the future. It is the time of year to take stock, to review the goals that we have set for ourselves, and to evaluate how well we have fulfilled those expectations. It is a time to look honestly at our progress and our challenges and to consider the steps we will need to take to complete our planned service successfully.
I am sure there is much you can be proud of achieving in the last six months. In my travels, I have already seen how much Rotarians can accomplish when they are determined to do so. You have helped bring safe, pure water to those who lacked it, provided food and shelter to those who needed it, and assisted in the educations of those who could not read or write. You have promoted the ideal of service within a context of fellowship, friendship, and high ethical standards.
Rotarians are able to make changes that will shape the course not only of the months but of the years and decades that lie ahead. This is our privilege. It is also our duty as Rotarians – as caring members of society who are in the fortunate position of being able to help those living in conditions we can barely imagine.
So there is much to be done these next months. Do not waste a moment of that most precious commodity: time.
We are all volunteers serving in a volunteer organization. None of us was compelled to become a Rotarian; each of us chose, and was chosen, to become a member. Every year, every day, each of us chooses to continue the task we have begun, and to continue to put Service Above Self. It is not always the easy path, but I know it is the right one.
I wish to take this opportunity to thank you for the Rotary service you have given, the service you are giving, and the service I know you will continue to give in the future.
The Future of Rotary Is in Your Hands.
John Kenny
President, Rotary International