sábado, 3 de outubro de 2009


Not all past RI directors have the opportunity to have a seat at the RITRF highest level. However, this brilliant rotarian, who always delights those who listen him to ponder about any matter, absolutely a motivator, overflowing dedication, and the greatest example of Service Above Self, was the worthy recipient of such a distinction.
He served as a RITRF Trustee in the period 1996-00, having been at the same time the liaison trustee in a vast account of international committees. Yet, he was a member of the RITRF financial committee and had the chairman major task of its programs committee.
This relevant RI commitment with the whole world, the promise to eradicate polio, evolved him since the break of the morning-twilight of this project.
Tony Serrano was a member of the international PolioPlus committee since 1997 to 1999, a period when he outride being also a PolioPlus advocacy task force member to the private sector, and he is since 1998 member of the PolioPlus cabinet of speakers. He was invited to be African polio fundraising committee member. On this condition we met recently in one of the last meetings promoted by the current chairman Robert S. Scott, which aims the elimination of this millenary annoyance as «a way to peace».
Above all he is an excellent leader and organizer, someone that is behind and inside of some of the greatest RI events. He was vice chairman of the Addis Ababa Peace Conference, Ethiopia. In 1999 he chaired the zone 10 A African Institute committee, in Durban, South Africa. He was also the chairman of the Peace Conference of Kampala committee, Uganda, a San Antonio Convention organizing committee member, in Texas, USA, and population task force member. In 2001 he was still the Presidential Conference organizing committee chairman zone 10 African Institute, both hold in Cape town, South Africa.
Therefore, it is more than natural that someone, so outstanding personality as competent and informed specialist, beyond other nominations in 2002-3, had been invited to integrate the rotarian centers implementation group, to be special counselor for an African conference and to be president elect Jonathan Majiyagbe advisor committee member, membership development and retention committee member and the candidates selection committee member of the RI scholarships to «masters» of peace and conflict resolution, beyond the participation in the international president nomination committee.
More recently Tony was a three year area coordinator to promote Literacy in the world, in which I was honored to belong as zone 10 coordinator. We presented together the results of the Literacy work on this area in the World Convention in England.
The Portuguese had the greatest pleasure to know him better when I was the chairman for the Viseu district conference – people named it Viseu Convention -, and I could invite him to be a speaker on behalf of Peace. What a singular moment! And what other extraordinary speakers I and governor Álvaro Gomes could get together, namely other invited personalities from abroad as Irving J. Sonny Brown and Marion Bunch.
More natural yet is to know that someone like Tony Serrano, who, beyond the wrapping up described, served also in as much subcommittees, either in RI or in RITRF, and is often requested to have a speech in clubs, institutes and conferences a little bit everywhere around the world, particularly to illustrate the rotarians about Africa needs and the RITRF role, has been so fairly distinguished, because he does so much and so properly. He was the recipient for the Merit Service Award, the RITRF Distinguished Services Award and also the International PolioPlus award.
Tony Serrano, who spent his entire working life in industry Haulage for road transportship in Zambia and South Africa, is retired nowadays.
But his propension to the consociate activity was not limited to rotary. He also «served», as he enjoys emphasizing, in his civic and business associations, namely as city council and both Livingstone chamber of commerce and advertizing association chair.

His talent and dedication evolved him as well in many other organizations in South Africa, particularly presiding to the ownership association of motored transportation and to the industrial council to the motored transportation industry, in both situations for five years. And, as if this could not be enough, he also presided to the training center for heavy service vehicles drivers.

António Moreira Serrano, fondly known only as Tony, is one of the members of South African institute for the road transportation engineers as well as the London similar association, in England.
Although many Portuguese cannot know it yet, he is an outstanding person who dignifies so much and so well the name of Portugal in the world.
Henrique Pinto
October 09

PHOTOS: Tony Serrano, Álvaro Gomes and Sonny Brown, in the Portuguese Viseu Conference 2007, which I chaired; Marie, Henrique Pinto, Sonny Brown, Tony Serrano, Ann Brown and Lena Cardona, in a raining day at the end of Viseu Conference, Portugal

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